Referencing for students
An interactive guide to referencing and citations
Created by Swinburne Library
Copyright © Swinburne
Content licensed under Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 4.0.
When an author has published more than one cited work in the same year, distinguish each work by using a lower case letter after the year within the brackets (this is also included in the reference list).
Direct quotation in-text
“the idea was useful…” (Dean, 2017a)
“the other idea was…” (Dean, 2017b)
Paraphrase in-text
According to Dean (2017a), it was found that ...
It is suggested that... (Dean, 2017b).
Reference list
Differentiate by adding a-z in alphabetical order after the year.
References by the same author(s) with the same publication year are arranged alphabetically by the title (excluding ‘A’ or ‘The’) that follows the date.
Dean, E. (2017a). Practice nursing: An action plan for a disparate workforce. Nursing Standard, 32(3), 25.
Dean, E. (2017b). Top nursing universities fall short in new ratings. Nursing Standard, 31(44), 9.
If there is no date available use 'n.d.' (for 'no date') in both the in text citation and the reference list.
Direct quotation in-text
Place direct quotes between double quotation marks " " and add pages number if they are available.
"events in the late 1950s brought the sufferings of the few into the living rooms of the many" (National Museum Australia, n.d.).
Paraphrase in-text
In the late 1950s, white Australians became more aware of indigenous living conditions reported in the news (National Museum Australia, n.d.).
Reference list
National Museum of Australia. (n.d.). The fight for civil rights.
When you are referring to the ideas or words of an author who has been cited in another author's work. Provide the full reference for the book (or source) that you actually read. This is only recommended when the original source cannot be located.
Direct quotation in-text
Place direct quotes between double quotation marks " " and provide the page number(s) from the article.
Intuition is defined as, "knowledge or knowledge structures that predispose individuals to think and act in particular ways without much conscious reflection" (Torff & Sternberg, 2001, as cited in Hernandez-Romero, 2017, p. 134).
Paraphrase in-text
Include the author(s) family name and year of publication in brackets. If referring to the author(s) family name in the body of the text, then just include the year of publication in brackets immediately after the family name(s).
Knowledge structures shows that people act in particular ways… (Torff & Sternberg, 2001, as cited in Hernandez-Romero, 2017).
Torff & Sternberg (2001, as cited in Hernandez-Romero, 2017) discuss the idea that people act in a particular ways…
Reference list
Hernández-Romero, L. (2017). Re-evaluating creativity: The individual, society, and education. Palgrave Macmillan.
Terms commonly used in references are shortened. Some are also used for date and page information for in-text citations.
ca. |
circa |
& |
and |
(ed.). |
edition |
(2nd ed.). |
second edition |
(Rev. ed.). |
revised edition |
(Ed.)./(Eds.). |
editor/editors |
Trans. |
translator(s) |
et al. |
and others |
(n.d.). |
no date |
p./pp. |
page/pages |
para. |
paragraph |
(Tech.) |
technical report |
Vol./Vols. |
volume/volumes |
Direct quotation in-text
Place between double quotation marks " " and provide the page number(s) from the book.
"Teachers suggest ways of looking at the new material" (Featherston, 2007, p. 61).
Paraphrase in-text
Include the author(s) family name and year of publication in brackets. If referring to the author(s) family name in the body of the text, then just include the year of publication in brackets immediately after the family name(s).
Teachers help each student with their individual interpretation of understanding (Featherston, 2007).
Featherston (2007) states that...
If multiple narrative citations are repeated within the same paragraph, the year of publication can be omitted.
Featherston also said that...
Reference list
Featherston, T. (2007). Becoming an effective teacher. Thomson Learning.
Use the ampersand symbol & between author family names only when they appear in brackets. Otherwise, just use and to separate author names in the body of the text.
Direct quotation in-text
Place direct quotes between double quotation marks " " and provide the page number(s) from the book.
"To enhance practice, we must ..." (Borbasi & Jackson, 2015, p. 354).
Paraphrase in-text
Include the author(s) family name and year of publication in brackets. If referring to the author(s) family name in the body of the text, then just include the year of publication in brackets immediately after the family name(s) and also use 'and' rather than the & symbol.
... is demonstrated by the study (Borbasi & Jackson, 2015).
Borbasi and Jackson (2015) demonstrated in the study...
Reference list
Borbasi, S., & Jackson, D. (2015). Navigating the maze of research: Enhancing nursing and midwifery practice (4th ed.). Elsevier.
Use only the first listed author family name followed by et al. and year of publication.
Direct quotation in-text
Place direct quotes between double quotation marks " " and provide the page number(s) from the book.
In a recent study regarding patient care, "marked improvements were crucial..." (Roy et al., 2012, p. 12).
Paraphrase in-text
Include the author(s) family name and year of publication in brackets. If referring to the author(s) family name in the body of the text, then just include the year of publication in brackets immediately after the family name(s).
The effectiveness is shown to... (Roy et al., 2012).
Roy et al. (2012) prove its effectiveness ...
Reference list
Include all authors and place an ampersand symbol & before the last author's name.
Roy, D., Baker, W., & Hamilton, A. (2012). Teaching the arts: Early childhood and primary education. Cambridge University Press.
Direct quotation and paraphrasing do not change. Only add the edition information to the reference list entry. If the book is a first edition, or no edition is stated, do not include the edition number.
Reference list
Biggs, J. (2003). Teaching for quality learning at university: What the student does (2nd ed.). Society for Research in Higher Education & Open University Press.
Cite ebooks in the same way as print books.
Direct quotation in-text
Place direct quotes between double quotation marks " " and provide the page number(s) from the e-book.
"Effective classroom management ..." (Billings, 2011, p.137).
Paraphrase in-text
Include the author(s) family name and year of publication in brackets. If referring to the author(s) family name in the body of the text, then just include the year of publication in brackets immediately after the family name(s).
Sport journalism is ... (Billings, 2011).
Billings (2011) discusses sport journalism…
Reference list
Follow the same rules for citing a book, but provide a DOI or URL if stated. Do not put a full stop after the DOI or URL.
Billings, A. (2011). Sports media: Transformation, integration, consumption. Taylor & Francis.
An edited book is usually made up of chapters written by different authors. When citing in-text, you will need to attribute the authors of the specific chapter you are referencing, NOT the editors of the entire work.
Direct quotation in-text
Place direct quotes between double quotation marks " " and provide the page number(s) from the book.
Shirey (2014) states "when under pressure...” (p. 866).
To quote directly from a source, use double quotation marks to enclose quotations in text. Direct quotations must be accurate. If the quotation is less than 40 words, incorporate it into the text with the quotation in double quotation marks.
Paraphrase in-text
Include the author(s) family name and year of publication in brackets. If referring to the author(s) family name in the body of the text, then just include the year of publication in brackets immediately after the family name(s).
To aid communication... (Shirley, 2014).
Shirley (2014) proves that communication…
Reference list
Editors are listed in first name initial(s) then family name order. The chapter title is not in italics, but the book title is. The pages numbers of the chapter are added in brackets after the book title with edition if applicable.
Shirley, M. (2014). Managing competing priorities. In G. M. Magee (Ed.), Nursing management: Principles and practice (2nd ed., pp. 865-872). Oncology Nursing Society.
The same format applies to all reference works including dictionaries, thesauruses, encyclopedias and atlases.
Use organisation or editor of resource in place of author if one isn’t available.
Always use (n.d.) for non-archived (that is, regularly updated) entries online and add the date you retrieved it.
Direct quotation in-text
Place direct quotes between double quotation marks " " and provide either the author, company or organisation name and year.
Modernism is "a style and movement in art, architecture and literature popular in the early 20th century" (Oxford University Press, n.d.).
Paraphrase in-text
Include either the author, company or organisation name and year. Or, if referring to the author(s) family name, company or organisation name in the body of the text, then just include the year of publication in brackets immediately after the family name, company or organisation name.
…is described as movement (Wild, 2022)
Wild (2022) definition is…
Reference list
If the publisher is also the author then it doesn't need to be repeated in the publisher position.
Logan, C. (2012). Gothic revival. In P. Goad & J. Willis (Eds.), The Encyclopedia of Australian Architecture. Cambridge University Press.
Wild, K. (Ed.). (2022). Modernism. In Oxford dictionary (10th ed.). Oxford University Press.
Oxford University Press. (n.d.). Modernism. In Oxford learner’s dictionary. Retrieved June 6, 2022, from
This is for books that have been translated into English.
Direct quotation in-text
Place direct quotes between double quotation marks " " and provide the page number(s) from the book.
"The third stage on the contrary is characterised by this discovery that names are in ourselves and come from within us" (Piaget, 1929/2007, p. 77).
Paraphrase in-text
Include the author(s) family name, year(s) of publication in brackets (include both the original year of publication, if applicable, as well as the year of publication from the source). Or, if referring to the author(s) family name in the body of the text, then just include the year(s) of publication in brackets immediately after the family name(s).
The study of the first stage reveals... (Piaget, 1929/2007).
Piaget (1929/2007) states that...
Reference list
Include the translator(s) after the title and add the date of original publication in brackets (if applicable) after the publication details.
Piaget, J. (2007).
The child's conception of the world (J. Tomlinson & A. Tomlinson, Trans.). Rowman & Littlefield. (Original work published 1929)
Direct quotation in-text
Place direct quotes between double quotation marks " " and provide the page number(s) from the conference proceedings. If there are three or more authors list the first family name followed by et al.
"For the data acquisition, patients were asked to perform 3 deep breath cycles with hands placed on the back of their heads" (Katashev et al., 2015, pp. 63-64).
Paraphrase in-text
Include the author(s) family name and year of publication in brackets. If there are three or more authors list the first family name followed by et al. If referring to the author(s) family name in the body of the text, then just include the year of publication in brackets immediately after the family name(s).
It is suggested that . . . (Katashev et al., 2015).
Katashev et al. (2015) state that...
Reference list
For proceedings sourced from a print book or e-book, use the same format for a book or book chapter e.g. author(s), year of publication, title of conference paper, editor(s), title of book in italics, page number(s) in brackets, publisher and DOI.
Katashev, A., Romberg, K., Danielsson, A., & Saraste, H. (2015). Application of 3D scanner for estimation of chest movement in scoliotic patients. In H. Mindedal & M. Persson (Eds.). 16th Nordic-Baltic Conference on Biomedical Engineering: 16 NBC & 10. MTD 2014 joint conferences (pp. 63-66). Springer International Publishing.
Direct quotation in-text
Place direct quotes between double quotation marks " " and provide the page number(s) from the article.
"Legislative change is often needed to effect practice change". (Crickman, 2017, p. 73)
Paraphrase in-text
Include the author(s) family name and year of publication in brackets. Or, if referring to the author(s) family name in the body of the text, then just include the year of publication in brackets immediately after the family name(s).
Recent studies show… (Crickman, 2017)
Crickman (2017) showed that recent studies…
Reference list
You must italicise the title of the Journal and volume number and include the DOI (digital object identifier) at the end of the reference (if one is available).
Crickman, R. (2017). Chemotherapy safe handling: Limiting nursing exposure with a hazardous drug control program. Clinical Journal of Oncology Nursing, 21(1), 73–78.
Use the ampersand symbol & between author family names only when they appear in brackets. Otherwise, just use and to separate author names in the body of the text.
Direct quotation in-text
Place direct quotes between double quotation marks " " and provide the page number(s) from the article.
This results in "patient satisfaction ..." (Yevelson-Shorsher & Bronstein, 2018, p. 30).
Paraphrase in-text
Include the author(s) family name and year of publication in brackets. Or, if referring to the author(s) family name in the body of the text, then just include the year of publication in brackets immediately after the family name(s) and also use ‘and’ rather than the & symbol.
... digital literacy (Yevelson-Shorsher & Bronstein, 2018).
Yevelson-Shorcher and Bronstein (2018) take in digital literacy...
Reference list
Yevelson-Shorsher, A., & Bronstein, J. (2018). Three perspectives on information literacy in academia: Talking to librarians, faculty, and students. College & Research Libraries, 79(4), 535-553.
Use only the first listed author family name followed by et al. and year of publication.
Direct quotation in-text
Place direct quotes between double quotation marks " " and provide the page number(s) from the article.
Studies show that "managing hospitality ..." (Sheen et al., 2020, p.1030).
Paraphrase in-text
Include the author(s) family name and year of publication in brackets. Or, if referring to the author(s) family name in the body of the text, then just include the year of publication in brackets immediately after the family name(s).
When managing ... (Sheen et al., 2020).
Sheen et al. (2020) states that…
Reference list
List all authors (up to 20), placing an ampersand symbol & before the last name.
Sheen, J., Graj, E., Dudley, A., Wallace, B., Sutherland, S. W., Kavadas, V., Roberts, R. M., Proeve, M., Littler, S., Clark, G. I., & Dunstan, D. A. (2020). Occupational risks during clinical placement: Key stakeholder perceptions. Australian Psychologist, 55(1), 73–88.
Use only the first listed author family name followed by et al. and year of publication.
Direct quotation in-text
Place direct quotes between double quotation marks " " and provide the page number(s) from the article.
Research indicated that "lost sense of smell is a factor" (Khan et al., 2017, p. 344).
Paraphrase in-text
Include the author(s) family name and year of publication in brackets. Or, if referring to the author(s) family name in the body of the text, then just include the year of publication in brackets immediately after the family name(s).
Khan et al. (2019) used criteria which included...
The criteria included in the study… (Khan et al., 2019)
Reference list
List the first 19 authors followed by three ellipsis points (...) then the last author.
Khan, A., Huynh, T. M. T., Vandeplas, G., Joish, V. N., Mannent, L. P., Tomassen P., van Zele, T., Cardell, L.O., Arebro, J., Olze, H., Forster-Ruhrmann, U., Kowalski, M. L., Olszewska-Ziaber, A., Fokkens, W., van Drunen, C., Mullol, J., Alobid, I., Hellings, P.W., Hox, V., …Bachert, C. (2019). The GALEN rhinosinusitis cohort: Chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyps affects health-related quality of life. Rhinology, 57(5), 343-351.
Direct quotation in-text
Place direct quotes between double quotation marks " " and provide the page number(s) from the article.
Evans (2015) notes that "aspirin's miracle properties revolve around its ability to stop blood platelets clumping together, reducing the risk of heart attacks and strokes" (p. 11).
Paraphrase in-text
Include the author(s) family name and year of publication in brackets. Or, if referring to the author(s) family name in the body of the text, then just include the year of publication in brackets immediately after the family name(s).
The results of the study indicate . . . (Evans, 2015).
Evans (2015) states that...
Reference list
Include the month and day of the article in the year field.
Evans, K. (2015, January 5). Aspirin study raises hopes for dementia prevention. The Age, 11.
Direct quotation in-text
Place direct quotes between double quotation marks " " and provide the page number(s) from the article. If no page numbers are provided, then include the paragraph number.
The officer stated that "the offender ..." (Kolovos, 2022, para. 2).
Paraphrase in-text
Include the author(s) family name and year of publication in brackets. Or, if referring to the author(s) family name in the body of the text, then just include the year of publication in brackets immediately after the family name(s).
The project will enable 1000s of jobs to be created… (Kolovos, 2022).
Kolovos (2022) states that 1000s of new jobs will be created by the time it opens…
Reference list
Include the month and day of the article in the year field. Include the URL at the end.
Kolovos, B (2022, March 15). Gamechanger: Design unveiled for National Gallery of Victoria’s contemporary art space. The Guardian.
When any kind of visual display (other than a table) is reproduced in a work, it should be treated as a figure. This includes photographs, drawings, bar graphs, infographics and other illustrations. The reference details are displayed with the figure and also included in the reference list. APA includes the following within the definition of images and figures:
Above the figure include:
Below the figure place a caption that includes:
If you plan to publish the work your figure/image appears in, make sure you obtain permission from the copyright holder.
Students using images in assignments
If you reproduce images in assignments that are submitted as part of a course, you do not need to seek permission from the copyright owner.
Students using images in assignments
If you reproduce images in work that will be published in some form, you will need to seek the permission of the copyright holder. This could include publications such a thesis, journal articles, books or book chapters, but also if used in presentations outside of the university. If images come from an online sources such as Creative Commons, they may also include licensing restrictions that you will need to comply with. A permission statement is then added at the end of the image caption.
Reprinted with permission.
When you reproduce images from books in your assignment, follow the instructions below.
In-text citation
When citing figures in the text of your work, you need to acknowledge them in two places:
Refer to the figure by its assigned number.
As demonstrated in Figure 1, the light fitting... (Mueller, 2009)
Figure 1 illustrates… (Mueller, 2009)
Image layout
For an image from a book include a double-spaced caption with the following elements above the figure: label of figure in bold (e.g. Figure 1) followed by the title of the figure (in italics).
Below the figure include:
Figure 1
Hanging Lamp with Pulley
Note. Hanging lamp with pulley in nickel-plated sheet brass. From Bauhaus Women: Art, Handicraft, Design, by U. Mueller, 2009, Copyright 2009 by Flammarion.
If this image is to be used in a document that will be published, e.g. a thesis, journal article, etc., you need to first seek permission from the copyright owner before including the image. The caption would then need to include a permission statement at the end - Reproduced with permission.
Figure 1
Hanging Lamp with Pulley
Note. Hanging lamp with pulley in nickel-plated sheet brass. From Bauhaus Women: Art, Handicraft, Design, by U. Mueller, 2009, Copyright 2009 by Flammarion. Reproduced with permission.
Reference list
A full citation must be added to the reference list and formatted in the correct style of the original source, i.e. a book.
Mueller, U. (2009). Bauhaus women: Art, handicraft, design. Flammarion.
When you reproduce images from journals articles in your assignment, follow the instructions below.
In-text citation
When citing figures in the text of your work, you need to acknowledge them in two places:
Refer to the figure by its assigned number.
As demonstrated in Figure 2, cemetery architecture at that time... (Lintel et al., 2019)
Figure 2 illustrates… (Lintel et al., 2019)
Image layout
For an image from a journal article include a double-spaced caption with the following elements above the figure: label of figure in bold (e.g. Figure 1) followed by the title of the figure (in italics).
Below the figure include:
Figure 2
Syme Memorial
Note. Front view of the memorial displaying the column designs. From "Edwardian Melbourne and Cemetery Architecture," by J. J. Lintel, A. Corbel, and P. T. Rafter, 2019, Cemetery Art and Architecture, 20(1), p. 5. ( Copyright 2019 by Doodle, Quiff & Co.
If this image is to be used in a document that will be published, e.g. a thesis, journal article, etc., you need to first seek permission from the copyright owner before including the image. The caption would then need to include a permission statement at the end - Reproduced with permission.
Figure 2
Syme Memorial
Note. Front view of the memorial displaying the column designs. From "Edwardian Melbourne and Cemetery Architecture," by J. J. Lintel, A. Corbel, and P. T. Rafter, 2019, Cemetery Art and Architecture, 20(1), p. 5. ( Copyright 2019 by Doodle, Quiff & Co. Reproduced with permission.
Reference list
A full citation must be added to the reference list and formatted in the correct style of the original source, i.e. a journal article.
Lintel, J. J., Corbel, A., & Rafter, P. T. (2019). Edwardian Melbourne and cemetery architecture. Cemetery Art and Architecture, 20(1), 5-15.
When you reproduce images webpages in your assignment, follow the instructions below.
In-text citation
When citing figures in the text of your work, you need to acknowledge them in two places:
Refer to the figure by its assigned number.
The ceiling of the Springthorpe Memorial, as seen in Figure 3, provides a colourful contrast to the sober, neoclassical elements of the building (Light 2018).
Image layout
For a figure from a webpage, include a double-spaced caption with the following elements above the figure: label of figure in bold (e.g. Figure 3) followed by the title of the figure (in italics).
Below the figure, include
Figure 3
Stained Glass Ceiling, Springthorpe Memorial
Note. Red stained glass ceiling from below. From Stained Glass Ceilings in Australian Architecture, by A. B. Light, 2018, ( Copyright 2020 by Australian Historic Architecture Society.
If this image is to be used in a document that will be published, e.g. a thesis, journal article, etc., you need to first seek permission from the copyright owner before including the image. The caption would then need to include a permission statement at the end - Reproduced with permission.
Note. Red stained glass ceiling from below. From Stained Glass Ceilings in Australian Architecture, by A. B. Light, 2018, ( Copyright 2020 by Australian Historic Architecture Society. Reproduced with permission.
Reference list
Light, A. B. (2018). Stained glass ceilings in Australian architecture. Australian Historic Architecture Society.
There are many image collection webpages that provide access to images that don’t require permission for reproduction, but they often require you to acknowledge a licence.
In-text citation
When citing figures in the text of your work, you need to acknowledge them in two places:
Refer to the figure by its assigned number.
As shown in Figure 4, the building is an example of... (Bain, 2019).
Image layout
For a figure from a creative commons source, include a double-spaced caption with the following elements above the figure: label of figure in bold (e.g. Figure 4) followed by the title of the figure (in italics).
Below the figure, include
Figure 4
Manchester Unity Building
Note. Showing the second-floor bay windows and the third-floor balconies integrated atop the window bays. From Detail of the Eastern Facade by S. Bain, 2009, ( Copyright by S. Bain. CC BY-SA 3.0.
Reference list
Bain, S. (2009). Detail of the eastern facade. Wikimedia Commons.
A figure or image created by you and reproduced in your paper, does not need a figure. However, if the image requires more description or explanation that isn’t obvious from the title, you may wish to include a figure note. No reference list entry is required unless the figure has been published.
Use this category only if the work does not fit better within another category, e.g., to cite a report from a website, use the reports category.
If briefly mentioning a website, your in-text citation should include the URL in brackets. You do not need to cite it again in your references list.
Beyondblue ( is a website supporting those with mental illness.
When a work has no identified author, cite in-text the first few words of the title and the year. If the title is italicised in the Reference List, also use italics in the in text citation. Use Title Case in the in text citation, even though sentence case is used in the Reference List.
For known organisations, an abbreviated form should be used for the second citation onwards - (World Trade Organization [WTO], 2016) then (WTO, 2016).
Direct quotation in-text
Many electronic sources do not provide page numbers, unless they are in PDF format.
Place direct quotes between double quotation marks " " and use the name of the section and the paragraph number as part of the in-text reference.
"As the national peak body for early childhood, ECA is a regular, and trusted, contributor to the public policy debate on all matters affecting young children (birth to eight years) and their families" (Early Childhood Australia, 2016, Advocacy section, para. 1).
No author example:
"The findings suggest that an intervention..." (Researchers Replicate Famous, 2018, para. 4).
Paraphrase in-text
Include either the author, company or organisation name and year of publication in brackets.
Organisational values are defined by... (Early Childhood Australia, 2016).
No author example:
...may not predict outcomes in later life (Researchers Replicate Famous, 2018).
Reference list
If citing information is taken directly from a webpage include author(s), or if no author(s) are stated then use a company or organisation name, followed by the year in brackets, webpage title in italics, website name and URL. If no year is stated then use n.d. for no date.
Early Childhood Australia. (2016). Early Childhood Australia's advocacy: Advocacy goals.
No author example:
Researchers replicate famous marshmallow test, make new observations. (2018, May 25). Medical Xpress. _campaign=story-tabs
A dissertation or thesis is considered published when it is available from a database such as ProQuest Dissertations and Theses, an institutional repository, or an archive.
Direct quotation in-text
Place direct quotes between double quotation marks " " and include the page number(s) from the thesis.
"Contemporary design thinking is also the result of developments in design practice" (Camacho 2020).
Paraphrase in-text
Include the author(s) family name and year of publication in brackets. If referring to the author(s) family name in the body of the text, then just include the year of publication in brackets immediately after the family name(s).
It was determined that the best outcome could be… (Camacho 2020)
Camacho (2020) reported that...
Reference list
For a thesis sourced from an institutional repository, use the following format: author, year of publication in brackets, title in italics, identify the type of work and institution in square brackets e.g. [Doctoral dissertation, Swinburne University of Technology] or [Master's thesis, Swinburne University of Technology], repository/archive/database name and include a URL.
Camacho, M. (2020). An integrative model of design thinking [Doctoral dissertation, Swinburne University of Technology]. Swinburne Research Bank.
For a thesis sources from a database, include the database name in place of the URL.
Kabir, J. M. (2016). Factors influencing customer satisfaction at a fast food hamburger chain: The relationship between customer satisfaction and customer loyalty (Publication No. 10169573) [Doctoral dissertation, Wilmington University]. ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global.
Use this category only if the work does not fit better within another category, e.g., to cite a report from a government website, use the reports category.
When an individual or individuals have been named as authors rather a department, then follow the usual format for authors.
Direct quotation in-text
Place direct quotes between double quotation marks " " and use the name of the section and the paragraph number as part of the in-text reference.
"Fruits showed greater losses than vegetables" in most states and territories... (Ambiel et al., 2019)
Paraphrase in-text
Include the author(s) family name and year of publication in brackets. If there are three or more authors list the first family name followed by et al. If referring to the author(s) family name in the body of the text, then just include the year of publication in brackets immediately after the family name(s).
Ambiel et al. (2019) found that fruits in most states and territories...
Fruits found in most states and territories… (Ambiel et al., 2019)
Reference list
Ambiel, C., Adell, A., Sanguansri, P., Krause, D., Gamage, T., Garcia-Flores, R., & Juliano, P. (2019). Mapping Australian fruit and vegetable losses pre-retail. Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation.
If there is no individual author(s), provide the specific name of the department as the author, and the 'parent' agency as the publisher.
Direct quotation in-text
Many electronic sources do not provide page numbers, unless they are in PDF format.
Place direct quotes between double quotation marks " " and use the name of the section and the paragraph number as part of the in-text reference.
"Many schools are becoming more inclusive of young people who are same-sex attracted"... (Department of Health, 2022, para. 2)
Paraphrase in-text
Schools in Victoria are working harder at making schools more inclusive... (Department of Health, 2022)
The Department of Health (2022) states that...
Reference list
Only add a retrieval date if the contents of the page is designed to change over time.
Department of Health. (2022). Working with LGBTI children and young people. Victoria State Government.
Direct quotation in-text
Place direct quotes between double quotation marks " " and provide the paragraph number.
"Depression can have a profound impact on affected individuals" (Mehler, 2018, para. 5).
Paraphrase in-text
Include the author(s) family name and year of publication in brackets. Or, if referring to the author(s) family name in the body of the text, then just include the year of publication in brackets immediately after the family name(s).
The effect of depression on people can be... (Mehler, 2018)
Mehler states that the effect of depression... (2018)
Reference list
Include the following: the author(s), company or organisation name, year of publication, month, day, title of blog post, blog title (italicised) and a URL.
Mehler, D. (2018, June 2). Closing the loop for brain imaging in depression: What have we learned and where are we heading? The Official PLOS Blog.
Please check with your teacher or lecturer whether social media and apps are considered acceptable sources to cite or not.
General Note:
In-text reference will either include author, company name or organisation name and year.
Direct quotation in-text
The post describes how the software "automates all steps" (Schultz, 2017)
Paraphrase in-text
If referring to the author(s) family name in the body of the text, then just include the year of publication in brackets immediately after the family name(s).
Despite rumours by media agencies, it has been confirmed that Ebola has not spread to Iraq (World Health Organization [WHO], 2015).
World Health Organization [WHO] (2015) confirmed in a tweet that the Ebola virus had not spread to Iraq despite previous suspicions.
Instagram Photo
Present the name of the individual or group author the same as you would for any other reference. Then provide the Instagram handle (beginning with the @ sign) in square brackets, followed by a full stop.
Philadelphia Museum of Art [@philamuseum]. (2019, December 3). "It's always wonderful to walk in and see my work in a collection where it's loved, and where people are [Photograph]. Instagram.
Instagram Video
APA Public Interest Directorate [@apapubint]. (2019, June 14). Male depression is serious, but many men try to ignore it or refuse treatment. Different men have different symptoms, but [Video]. Instagram.
Instagram Highlight
Include the description “[Highlight]” in square brackets. Provide a retrieval date because the content is designed to change over time (users can add or remove stories from the highlight) and is not archived. Provide the URL of the highlight./p>
The New York Public Library [@nypl]. (n.d.). The raven [Highlight]. Instagram. Retrieved January 6, 2020, from
Instagram Profile
Use the name of the profile page you want to cite in the title element of the reference (e.g., “Posts,” “IGTV,” “Tagged”). Include the description “[Instagram profile]” in square brackets. Provide a retrieval date because the content is designed to change over time and is not archived. Provide the URL of the page./p>
Swift, T. [@taylorswift]. (n.d.). Posts [Instagram profile]. Instagram. Retrieved January 9, 2020, from
Please check with your teacher or lecturer whether social media and apps are considered acceptable sources to cite or not.
General Note:
Direct quotation in-text
Place direct quotes between double quotation marks " " and provide the author/company name/organisation name and year.
In relation to the Supreme Court vacancy in the United States, Barack Obama (2016) tweeted that "it's time for Senate leaders to put politics aside and fill the Supreme Court vacancy."
Paraphrase in-text
Include either the author, company or organisation name and year of tweet in brackets.
Barack Obama (2016) tweeted his concerns over the Supreme Court vacancy.
Reference list
If citing information taken directly from a tweet include author(s), company or organisation name, followed by the Twitter handle in square brackets, include the year, month and day in brackets, followed by the first 20 words of the tweet as the title and hashtag(s) in italics, if the post contains an image or video include it in square brackets, describe the form type in square brackets e.g. [Tweet], include Twitter as the source and provide a URL to the tweet.
Obama, B. [@BarackObama]. (2016, May 18). It's time for Senate leaders to put politics aside and fill the Supreme Court vacancy #DoYourJob [Image attached] [Tweet]. Twitter.
Please check with your teacher or lecturer whether social media and apps are considered acceptable sources to cite or not.
General Note:
Direct quotation in-text
Place direct quotes between double quotation marks " " and provide either the author, company or organisation name and year.
"A mental hazard at work can be poor support to workers" (Australian Nursing and Midwifery Federation, 2019).
Paraphrase in-text
Include either the author, company or organisation name and year of the Facebook post in brackets.
Australian Nursing and Midwifery Federation (2020) states that workplace mental health hazards are responsible for...
Reference list
If citing information taken directly from a Facebook post include author(s) if applicable, or if no author(s) are stated then use a company or organisation name, followed by the year, month and day in brackets, include the first 20 words of the post as the title in italics, if the post contains an image or video include it in square brackets, describe the form type in square brackets e.g. [Status update], include Facebook as the source and provide a URL to the post.
Australian Nursing and Midwifery Federation. (2020, November 28). Workplace mental health hazards injure thousands of workers each year, just like physical hazards but they often fly under the [Image attached] [Status update]. Facebook.
A report's author can be individual(s), a company or government department.
Direct quotation in-text
Place direct quotes between double quotation marks " " and provide the page number(s) of the direct quote if taken from a PDF document. Include either the author, company or government department name and year of publication.
If the document does not contain page numbers, then use the name of the section and the paragraph number as part of the in-text reference.
"For private hospitals, the recurrent expenditure data provided for 2014–15 are considered comparable with the data provided for 2010–11 to 2013–14" (Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, 2016, p. 47).
Paraphrase in-text
Include either the author, company or government department name and year of publication in brackets.
Public hospital expenditure increased dramatically... (Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, 2016)
Reference list
Include the author(s) if stated; otherwise add the company, organisation or government department, followed by the year of publication in brackets.
As the document is a report, the title is italicised and, if there is a report number, place it in brackets immediately after the title. If the report has been sourced online make sure to include the URL.
Only identify the publisher if they have not been identified as the author.
Winthrop, R., Ziegler, L., Handa, R., & Fakoya, F. (2019). How playful learning can help leapfrog progress in education. Center for Universal Education at Brookings.
Australian Institute of Health and Welfare. (2016). Hospital resources 2014–15: Australian hospital statistics (Health services series No. 71, Cat. No. HSE 176).
ANZ. (2022). ANZ Annual report 2021.
The first in-text citation will need to include the authoring body's name in full, followed by its abbreviation or acronym in square brackets. You can there use the abbreviation for subsequent in-text uses.
Direct quotation in-text
Place direct quotes between double quotation marks " " and add a page or section number.
The factor were “that the population increased due to…” (Australian Bureau of Statistics [ABS], 2022, para. 3))
Paraphrase in-text
The Australian population is currently… (Australian Bureau of Statistics [ABS], 2022)
ABS (2022) provide statistics that...
Reference list
Include title and catalogue number if one is available. Only include a retrieval date if the contents of the page are designed to change over time. Publisher is not required as it is the same the author.
Australian Bureau of Statistics. (2019). Disability, ageing and carers, Australia: Summary of findings, 2018 (No.4430.0).
Australian Bureau of Statistics. (2022). Population clock.
Direct quotation in-text
Place direct quotes between double quotation marks " " and provide the page number(s) from the specific standard you are using.
It is the responsibility of all to ensure "workplace safety ..." (Standards Australia, 2018, p. 7).
Standards Australia (2018) states that "workplace safety ..." (p. 12).
Paraphrase in-text
Include the organisation name (for example, Standards Australia) and year of publication in brackets. Or, if referring to the organisation name in the body of the text, then just include the year of publication in brackets immediately after the organisation name.
... in relation to scaffold decking (Standards Australia, 2018).
Standards Australia (2018) states that scaffold decking includes...
Reference list
Provide the title in italics, the standard number in brackets. The author and publisher are the same therefore, you do not need to include the publisher information at the end of the reference.
Standards Australia. (2018). Scaffold decking components (AS/NZS Standard No. 1577:2018).
If no individual(s) is listed as the author(s), use the name of the publishing database.
Direct quotation in-text
Place direct quotes between double quotation marks " " and provide the page number(s) of the direct quote if taken from a PDF document. Include either the author, company or government department name and year of publication.
If the document does not contain page numbers, then use the name of the section and the paragraph number as part of the in-text reference.
The solar industry in Australia includes, "the supply of electricity to the wholesale market using large-scale photovoltaic generation systems, or solar thermal systems" (Treisman, 2022, p. 3).
The brief highlights the trend that, “the rise of more casual fitness enthusiasts are reshaping the market”(Euromonitor International, 2019, para. 2).
Paraphrase in-text
Treisman (2022) provides details on the industry...
The industry outlook is looking strong due to... (Treisman, 2022)
Reference list
If the report has no author, use the name of the publishing database. If a report number is available include it in brackets after the title of the report, but not in italics. It can also be helpful to describe the type of material in brackets after the title if it's not clear. If the publisher is the same as the author, it doesn’t need to be included. Include the database login URL.
Euromonitor International. (2019, September 19). A new view on the market for protein bars [Briefing]. Passport.
MarketLine. (2018). Hotels & motels in New Zealand [Industry profile].
Treisman, J. (2022, February). Solar electricity generation in Australia (Australian Industry (ANZSIC) Report D2619B). IBIS World.
This can also be used for other streamed online videos such as TED Talk and Vimeo.
Direct quotation in-text
Place direct quotes between double quotation marks " " and provide the person or group who uploaded the video, the year, and a timestamp for the beginning of the quotation in place of a page number from the video.
People make "sweeping inferences and judgments from body language" (Cuddy, 2012, 2:12).
Paraphrase in-text
Include the person or group who uploaded the video and year of publication in brackets. Or, if the person or group in the body of the text, then just include the year of publication in brackets immediately after.
Reference list
The person or group who uploaded the video is credited as the author even if they did not create the work. Include the video title in italics and describe the form type inside square brackets e.g. [Video]. Provide the exact URL.
Above The Noise. (2017, October 18). Can procrastination be a good thing? [Video]. YouTube.
Direct quotation in-text
Author is the director, producer or someone in a similar role. Place direct quotes between double quotation marks " " and provide the year and a timestamp to indicate the exact starting point of the quote.
…as shown in Understanding aged care "it's about involving people in their care" (Kratochvil, 2012, 01:22).
Paraphrase in-text
In Understanding aged care by Kratochvil (2012), there is ...
Reference list
Include a description of the role of the author. Include the video title in italics and describe the form type inside square brackets e.g. [Video]. The publisher is the producing institution, organisation, or hosting platform. If the author and publisher are the same leave publisher section blank. Provide the URL login page.
Kratochvil, M. (Director). (2012). Understanding aged care [Video]. ClickView.
Direct quote
Place direct quotes between double quotation marks " " and provide the year and a timestamp to indicate the exact starting point of the quote.
"It was a good idea to use him again" (Webster & Abumrad, 2020, 00:15).
Include the host's family name and year of publication in brackets. Or, if referring to the host's family name in the body of the text, then just include the year of publication in brackets immediately after the family name. If there is no host listed, then use either the executive producer or producer as author instead.
Current research shows that... (Webster & Abumrad, 2020).
Webster and Abumrad (2020) comments that...
Reference list entry
List the host or executive producer in the author position and include their role in parentheses. Provide the specific date on which the podcast episode first aired. Specify the type of podcast episode in square brackets, for example: [Audio podcast], [Video podcast]. Write the word "In" and then the title of the podcast in italics. Provide the exact URL. If the URL of the podcast is unknown (e.g., if accessed via an app), omit the URL from the reference.
Webster, M., & Abumrad, J. (Hosts). (2020, September 11). Bringing gamma back, again [Audio podcast]. In Radiolab. WNYC Studios.
This can include recorded lectures, class notes, materials and resources.
Examples includes PowerPoint slides, Word documents, PDFs, audio files etc. relating to lectures, classes, seminars and workshops. Treat unrecorded lectures as a personal communication.
Not all departments accept these as reference sources. Please check with your teacher or lecturer whether these are considered an acceptable source to cite.
Direct quotation in-text
Place direct quotes between double quotation marks " ".
"Scandinavian design demonstrates…" (Huppatz, 2022)
Paraphrase in-text
Include the author(s) family name and year of publication in brackets. Or, if referring to the author(s) family name in the body of the text, then just include the year of publication in brackets immediately after the family name(s).
… (Huppatz, 2022)
Huppatz (2022)…
Reference list
The reference list citation should include: the author(s) name, year, month and day of lecture, title of the lecture in italics, a description of the form type inside square brackets e.g. [Lecture recording], university name and learning management software name, and a retrieval statement in the form of a URL (use the login page).
Huppatz, D. (2022, May 2). Scandinavian design [Lecture recording], Canvas@Swinburne University of Technology.
Huppatz, D. (2022, May 2). Scandinavian design [Lecture notes], Canvas@Swinburne University of Technology.
Direct quotation in-text
Place direct quotes between double quotation marks " " and add the slide number.
"The early to mid-1950s had been a time of great experimentation" (Finley 2022, sl. 2).
Paraphrase in-text
Include the author(s) family name and year of publication in brackets. Or, if referring to the author(s) family name in the body of the text, then just include the year of publication in brackets immediately after the family name(s).
Furniture design changed in a number of ways in this period… (Finley 2022)
Finley (2022) states that furniture from the 1950s…
Reference list
The reference list citation should include: the author(s) name, year, month and day of lecture, title of the lecture in italics, a description of the form type inside square brackets e.g. [PowerPoint slides], university name and learning management software name, and a URL (use the login page).
Finley, G. (2022, April 4). Australian furniture design of the 1950s and 60s [PowerPoint slides]. Canvas@Swinburne University of Technology.
The first in-text citation will need to include the authoring body's name in full, followed by its abbreviation or acronym in square brackets. You can there use the abbreviation for subsequent in-text uses.
Direct quotation in-text
Place direct quotes between double quotation marks " ". If using a PDF version include the page numbers. When citing a section from the website, use paragraph number.
(Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority [ACARA], 2014, p. 7)
(Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority [ACARA], 2014, para. 2)
Paraphrase in-text
Include the curriculum authority and year of publication in brackets. Or, if referring to the author(s) family name in the body of the text, then just include the year of publication in brackets immediately after the family name(s).
Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority [ACARA] (2014) states that...
The document states that… (Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority [ACARA], 2014).
Reference list
Do not abbreviate the name, but spell out in full as it appears in the source.
Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority. (2014). Foundation to year 10 curriculum: Language for interaction. OR
When using multiple reports from the same website, differentiate the sources by adding a letter to the year.
Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority. (2014a). Foundation to year 10 curriculum: Language for interaction. OR
American Psychological Association Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association does not cover Australian legal material. The citation details below are based on a combination of other types of resources such as webpages to fit to an author date style for use by Swinburne students.
In-text citation
It is necessary to also state the jurisdiction (geographic area) of the legislation, either in the body of the text, or enclosed in brackets: (Cth) for Commonwealth, (Vic) for Victoria, New South Wales (NSW), Tasmania (Tas), Queensland (Qld), South Australia (SA), Western Australia (WA), Northern Territory (NT), Australian Capital Territory (ACT).
Note: Include the jurisdiction the first time the act is cited. The jurisdiction can be dropped with subsequent citations.
Direct quotation
Place direct quotes between double quotation marks " " and provide the title of the Act, year, jurisdiction and section number(s) (if applicable).
"A person receiving mental health services in a designated mental health service may be kept in seclusion if seclusion is necessary to prevent imminent and serious harm to the person or to another person" (Mental Health Act 2014 (Vic), s. 110).
Include the title of the legislation and the year in italics if referring to an Act in the body of the text. Otherwise, place the year and section number s. (if applicable) in brackets.
According to the Victorian Mental Health Act (2014, s. 29)...
Victoria’s Mental Health Act (2014, s. 29) states that...
By virtue of s. 130.1 of the Mental Health Act 2014 (Vic)...
Reference list
The title of the legislation and year are to be italicised. Include the jurisdiction of the legislation in brackets e.g. (Cth) for Commonwealth, or the State abbreviation (see above). If a specific section of the legislation is used, this can be highlighted by using an s. for section. If the legislation is obtained from an electronic source, add a retrieval statement to the reference.
Mental Health Act 2014 (Vic) s. 115.1.
In-text citation
Note: Include the year with the first citation. The year can be dropped in subsequent citations.
Direct quotation
Place direct quotes between double quotation marks " " and provide the title of the case, year, page number, section heading (if applicable) and paragraph number.
"The Tribunal lacks the jurisdiction to consider the decisions made by the Secretary in relation to the drug Clozapine" (Drew v Minister for Health and Ageing, 2011, Held section, para. 5).
Paraphrasing in-text
When citing a Case in-text, it is necessary to include the title of the case in italics followed by the year in brackets. Alternatively, it is also acceptable to include all case details enclosed in brackets; italicise only the case title, followed by the year.
According to the case of Drew v Minister for Health and Ageing (2011)...
...(Drew v Minister for Health and Ageing, 2011).
Reference list
For court decisions the elements to include are: title of the case in italics, year in brackets, volume number, reporter abbreviation, and starting page number. If a case is obtained from an electronic database, add a URL.
Drew v Minister for Health and Ageing (2011) 56 AAR 227.
Bills are treated as unpublished works and the title is not italicised.
Useful abbreviations for jurisdiction: (Cth) for Commonwealth, (Vic) for Victoria, New South Wales (NSW), Tasmania (Tas), Queensland (Qld), South Australia (SA), Western Australia (WA), Northern Territory (NT), Australian Capital Territory (ACT).
In-text citation
Include the short title of the bill, year, jurisdiction (geographic area) abbreviated, subdivision number if available.
As outlined in the Liability for Climate Change Commonwealth Bill (2020, s. 15).
Reference list
Include the short title of the bill, year, jurisdiction (abbreviated - see above), subdivision number (if relevant), URL if retrieved from a website.
Liability for Climate Change Bill 2020 (Cth).
Personal Communications can include emails, text messages, online chats or direct messages, personal interviews, telephone conversations, live speeches, unrecorded classroom lectures, memos, letters, messages from non-archived discussion groups or online bulletin boards, and so on.
My field placement supervisor commented '. . .' (C. M. Burns, personal communication, July 3, 2015).
The details of . . . were confirmed by email (J. Merrick, personal communication, April 25, 2014).
When citing in-text, include the author first name initial(s) followed by their family name, and a precise date of when the communication took place.
First confirm with your course teacher or lecturer if you are permitted to use ChatGPT or other generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools for your assignments.
For many referencing styles there are no specific guidelines for citing ChatGPT or other generative AI. Content from generative AI is a not recoverable source as it can't be retrieved or linked, so it is best cited as personal communications. APA doesn’t require personal communication references to be included in your reference list. Cite them in-text only.
Provide the name of the source and the date the AI was accessed.
In-text citation
(Communicator, personal communication, Month Day, Year)
(Paraphrase from OpenAI's ChatGPT AI language model, personal communication, March 21, 2023).
This information is based on ChatGPT and other generative AI tools by the University of Queensland and is subject to change.
Direct quotation in-text
Place direct quotes between double quotation marks " " and provide the page number(s) from the article. If no pages are stated, then include the section heading and paragraph number.
It was note that, "Psychological factors can have a major impact on breathing" (Marshall, K., 2020, What is breathlessness?, para. 8).
Paraphrase in-text
Include the author(s) family name and year of publication in brackets. Or, if referring to the author(s) family name in the body of the text, then just include the year of publication in brackets immediately after the family name(s).
Difficult breathing can be due to a number of different conditions... (Marshall, 2020)
Marshall (2020) indicates that breathing difficulties...
Reference list
If the journal article has no URL but it came from the web, include the URL.
Marshall, K. (2020). Breathlessness: Causes, assessment and non-pharmacological management. Nursing Times, 116(9), 24-26.
If it is from a print journal, just include the other elements for a journal article as you usually would.
Beaudoin, K. M., Knuth, R., & Benner, G. J. (2008). Social validation of services for youth with emotional and behavioral disorders: A comparative study. International Journal of Special Education, 23(1), 1-7.
IEEE is the citation style of the Institute of
Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). References are numbered
sequentially, that is, [1]
, [2]
, [3]
and so on, in-text in the body
of the document.
A Reference list at the end of the document provides full details of all references cited in-text.
Reference numbers are listed sequentially, not alphabetically
by author, that is [1]
, [2]
, [3]
and so on, in the order they appear in the body of the
This guide is based on the IEEE Reference Guide 2022.
In-text citations are inserted in the text as numbers within
square brackets and precede
any punctuation, with a space before the bracket. For example: [1]
or [14]
In-text citations
start at [1]
and continue in ascending order within the document.
Once a source has been cited, the same number is used in the document if it is referred to again. IEEE does not require author(s) or dates of any source to be cited in-text.
Paraphrasing is the practice of expressing the ideas of the author(s) in your own words.
Citation numbers may be placed at the beginning, middle or end of a sentence. It is not a requirement to add page numbers when paraphrasing.
When referring to authors in-text, list all author family names, up to the first two listed authors.
If referring to three or more authors, list only
the family name of the first author followed by et al.
(in italics) for the
first and subsequent citations.
Aristotle [2] argues that…
In their seminal work, Phillips and Pugh [3] guide students through their PhD journey.
Freedman et al. [9] discuss the exponential growth in our knowledge of the solar system.
According to the latest data [6], global heating is accelerating rapidly.
For example, see [7].
Directly quoting is the practice of using the exact words of the author(s).
Do not overuse direct quotes: avoid using quotes longer than three lines.
Place direct quotes between double quotation
marks “ ”
and add the citation number followed by a comma and the page
number(s), preceded by p.
(for a single page) or pp.
(for multiple pages).
“The real-time price of electricity can be acquired from the utility” [1, p. 199].
Use chapter numbers, section headings and paragraph numbers as part of the in-text reference.
"Many scientists have raised the alarm about global warming" [1, Ch. 3, para. 2].
Add a space followed
by three ellipsis dots …
and another space to indicate a break in the
“The Cat’s Eye Nebula … was first discovered in 1786” [4, p. 1637].
List all multiple citations in ascending numerical order. For example:
For more details, see [1], [3] and [5].
As discussed in [6] and [7].
The en-dash symbol is used when citing a source range. For example:
According to the latest data [6]–[8], global heating is accelerating rapidly.
The Enlightenment was a key period for scientific discovery [11]–[12].
How to insert an en dash:
On a Windows computer, hold the Ctrl and – (minus sign) keys. On a Mac computer, hold the option and hyphen keys.
Repeat the earlier reference number. If referring to a different page number, or other reference within the same source, use the following format:
[1, p. 15]when directly quoting a single page
[1, pp. 29–31]when directly quoting multiple pages
[1, Ch. 8]referring to a chapter
[1, Ch. 7, para. 3]referring to a paragraph
[1, Fig. 31]referring to a figure
[1, Sec. 6.5]referring to a section
[1, Tab. 12]referring to a table
[1, eq. (7)]referring to an equation
[1, Appendix IV]referring to an appendix
[1, Algorithm 9]referring to an algorithm
A secondary citation is the acknowledgement of the work of an author that you have read about in another author’s work. IEEE does not allow for the use of secondary citations.
If a secondary citation must be used, the original source must be located and cited. If the original source cannot be located, do not cite it.
Write out an acronym in full the first time it is used, followed by the acronym in parentheses. Use the acronym only subsequently. See the Abbreviations section for more details.
Month abbreviations
When citing journals, standards, patents and websites in the reference list, abbreviate the following months with a full stop.
Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec.
May, June and July are written in full and do not require a full stop.
Use a forward slash for a bimonthly issue and an en-dash for a quarterly. For example:
Apr./May 2022
June–Aug. 2021
Word abbreviations
Abbreviate standard IEEE words in the reference list: see Useful Abbreviations in References on page 20 of the IEEE Reference Guide 2022.
Journal and magazine title abbreviations
Abbreviate IEEE journal titles in the reference list. See: IEEE Magazine Titles and Reference Abbreviations and IEEE Journal Titles and Abbreviations 2018.
For non-IEEE journal titles, see Useful Abbreviations and Common Abbreviations of Words in References on page 20 of the IEEE Reference Guide 2022.
If an abbreviation is not included and/or cannot be abbreviated according to IEEE guidelines, spell out the title in full.
One word journal titles
One word journal titles such as Nature and Science should be fully spelled out.
Conference proceeding abbreviations
See page 5 of the IEEE Reference Guide 2022 for a list of abbreviations.
Publisher abbreviations
See page 24 of the IEEE Reference Guide 2022 for a list of abbreviations.
Acronyms in-text
Write an acronym in full the first time it is referred to and add the acronym in parentheses. Use the acronym only in subsequent references.
The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) [3] report identifies …
The NASA [3] report also outlines …
Acronyms in the reference list
Write organisational/corporate author names in full in the reference list.
National Aeronautics and Space Administration, “Space flight: the first 30 years,” NASA, Washington, DC, USA, Rep. 1, 1991.
[3]and so on, in the order in which citations appear in the body of your document
Online sources should include a digital object identifier (DOI) if available. A DOI is a unique identifier that provides a persistent (permanent) link to the source. Add a full stop at the end of a DOI.
If the source does not have a DOI
If there is no DOI, use the journal/database homepage URL if the source is a library database, or the full URL if the source is a website. There is no full stop at the end of a URL.
Place of publication
Abbreviate the names of US states and territories: use the official US Postal Service abbreviations.
New Haven, CT, USA: Yale Univ. Press, 2019.
Use the city name and country abbreviation for cities in the United Kingdom.
Cambridge, U.K.: Cambridge Univ. Press, 2021.
Use the city name and country for countries outside the United States and United Kingdom.
Melbourne, Australia: Text Publishing, 2020.
Example of a reference list
K. Schwalbe, Information Technology Project Management, 9th ed. Boston, MA, USA: Cengage Learning, 2016.
H. Lodish et al., Molecular Cell Biology, 9th ed. New York, NY, USA: Macmillan, 2021.
Project Management Institute, A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK Guide), 6th ed. Newtown Square, PA, USA: Project Management Institute, 2017.
V. Vinodkumar, C. Amrutha and D. S. Nagesh “Overview of medical device development,” in Biomedical Product and Materials Evaluation: Standards and Ethics, P. V. Mohanan, Ed., Duxford, U. K: Woodhead Publishing, 2022, pp. 1-24.
P. Leedy and J. Ormrod, Practical Research: Planning and Design, 12th ed. Harlow, U. K.: Pearson Education Limited, 2020. [Online]. Available:
L. L. P. Chung, Y. C. Wong and A. Arulrajah, “The application of spent coffee grounds and tea wastes as additives in alkali-activated bricks,” Waste Biomass Valorization, vol. 12, no. 11, pp. 6273-6291, Nov. 2021, doi: 10.1007/s12649-021-01453-7.
J. Ruane, A. McAfee and W. D. Oliver, “Quantum computing for business leaders,” Harvard Business Review, vol. 100, no. 1, pp. 112-121, Jan./Feb. 2022. [Online]. Available:
T. Calabria, “Telecommunications services in Australia,” IBISWorld, Melbourne, Australia, Rep. J5800, 2022. Accessed: Aug. 15, 2022. [Online]. Available:
M. Ahmed, M. Imran Malik and P. Haskell-Downland. “Goodbye Internet Explorer. You won’t be missed (but your legacy will be remembered).” The Conversation. Accessed: June 20, 2022. [Online]. Available:
E. Woo. Sydney, Australia. Introduction to Mechanics: Part 1. (Aug. 11, 2021). Accessed: July 11, 2022. [Online Video]. Available:
Paraphrasing in-text
Include the citation number in square brackets. If referring to the author(s) family name in the body of the text, include the citation number in square brackets immediately after the family name.
As discussed in [2], quality control tools and techniques are widely available.
Schwalbe [2] states that …
Direct quote in-text
the quote in double quotation marks “ ”
and provide both the citation number and
the page number(s) from the source in square brackets.
“Good project risk management often goes unnoticed” [2, p. 464].
Schwalbe notes that “good project risk management often goes unnoticed” [2, p. 464].
Reference list
When citing books, include the following information where available:
Author(s) initials. Family name(s), or name of organisation/company, Title of Book, ed. (edition, except the first). Place of Publication City, abbrev. U.S. State (if applicable), Country: abbrev. Publisher, Year of Publication.
K. Schwalbe, Information Technology Project Management, 9th ed. Boston, MA, USA: Cengage Learning, 2016.
Paraphrasing in-text
When paraphrasing, include the citation number in square brackets. Or, if referring to the author(s) family name in the body of the text, include the citation number in square brackets immediately after the family names.
List both authors using ‘and’ between the two author family names when citing in-text.
Deliberate backdoors are discussed in [2].
Goodrich and Tamassia [2] explain that deliberate backdoors…
Direct quote in-text
When directly
quoting, place the quote in double quotation marks “ ”
and provide both the
citation number and the page number(s) from the source in square brackets.
“A logic bomb is a program that performs a malicious action as a result of a certain logic condition” [2, p. 177].
Reference list
List both authors, separating the two author names with ‘and’.
When citing books, include the following information where available:
Author(s) initials. Family name(s), or name of organisation/company, Title of Book, ed. (edition, except the first). Place of Publication City, abbrev. U.S. State (if applicable), Country: abbrev. Publisher, Year of Publication.
M. Goodrich and R. Tamassia, Introduction to Computer Security, Boston, MA, USA: Pearson, 2011.
Paraphrasing in-text
When paraphrasing, include the citation number in square brackets. Or, if referring to the author(s) family name in the body of the text, include the citation number in square brackets immediately after the family names.
If citing more than two authors in-text, use the first family name
listed followed by et al.
(in italics).
Accurate aerial control systems are crucial [2].
Ronzhin et al. [2] state that aerial control systems …
Direct quote in-text
When directly quoting, place the quote in double quotation marks “ ”
and provide both the citation
number and the page number(s) from the source
in square brackets.
“The average flight time is usually limited to 10–25 min for lightweight multi-copters using Li-Po batteries” [2, p. 3].
Reference list
List all authors (up to six), separating the last two author names with ‘and’.
When citing books, include the following information where available:
Author(s) initials. Family name(s), or name of organisation/company, Title of Book, ed. (edition, except the first). Place of Publication City, abbrev. U.S. State (if applicable), Country: abbrev. Publisher, Year of Publication.
A. Ronzhin, T. Ngo, Q. Vu and V. Nguyen, Ground and Air Manipulation Systems in Agriculture, Cham, Switzerland: Springer International Publishing AG, 2021.
Paraphrasing in-text
When paraphrasing, include the citation number in square brackets. Or, if referring to the author(s) family name in the body of the text, then include the citation number in square brackets immediately after the family names.
If citing more than
two authors in-text, use the first family name listed followed by et al.
Centrifugation is the first process in protein purification [2].
Lodish et al. [2] discuss methods for polymer and particle separation.
Direct quote in-text
When directly
quoting, place the quote in double quotation marks “ ”
and provide both the
citation number and the page number(s) from the source in square brackets.
“Rate-zonal centrifugation has proved to be a practical method for separating many different types of polymers and particles” [2, p. 93].
Reference list
If there are more
than six authors listed, use et al.
(in italics) after the first author’s
family name.
When citing books, include the following information where available:
Author(s) initials. Family name(s), or name of organisation/company, Title of Book, ed. (edition, except the first). Place of Publication City, abbrev. U.S. State (if applicable), Country: abbrev. Publisher, Year of Publication.
H. Lodish et al., Molecular Cell Biology, 9th ed. New York, NY, USA: Macmillan, 2021.
Paraphrasing in-text
When paraphrasing, include the citation number in square brackets. Or, if referring to the organisational/corporate author in the body of the text, include the citation number in square brackets immediately after the organisational/corporate author.
Project management is about people, not just numbers and systems [2].
The Project Management Institute (PMI) [2] considers all aspects of project management of equal importance.
Direct quote in-text
When directly quoting, place the quote in double quotation marks “ ”
and provide both the citation number and
the page
number(s) from the source in square brackets.
“Each project contains individual risks that can affect the achievement of project objectives” [2, p. 397].
Reference list
Place the organisational/corporate name in the author position and write in full. When citing a book by an organisational/corporate author, include the following information where available:
Name of organisation/corporation/company, Title of Book, ed. (edition, except the first). Place of Publication City, abbrev. U.S. State (if applicable), Country: abbrev. Publisher, Year of Publication.
Project Management Institute, A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK Guide), 6th ed. Newtown Square, PA, USA: Project Management Institute, 2017.
Paraphrasing in-text
When paraphrasing, include the citation number in square brackets. Or, if referring to the author(s) family name in the body of the text, include the citation number in square brackets immediately after the family name.
Vitruvius [2] discusses building methods and materials in detail.
Sites for public buildings must be carefully considered [2].
Direct quote in-text
When directly quoting, place the quote in double
quotation marks “ ”
and provide both the citation
number and the page number(s) from the source in square brackets.
“If our designs for private houses are to be correct, we must at the outset take note of the countries and climates in which they are built” [2, p. 170].
Reference list
When citing a translated book, include the following information where available:
Author(s) initials. Family names(s) Title of Book, (Transl.: initials. Family name/s), Place of Publication City, abbrev. U.S. State (if applicable), Country: abbrev. Publisher, Year of Publication.
Vitruvius, The Ten Books on Architecture, (Transl.: M. H. Morgan), New York, NY, USA: Dover, 1960.
Paraphrasing in-text
When paraphrasing, include the citation number in square brackets. Or, if referring to the author(s) family name in the body of the text, include the citation number in square brackets immediately after the family name.
If citing more than
two authors in-text, use the first family name listed followed by et al.
The process of medical device development is complex [2].
Vinodkumar et al. [2] outline the complexities of medical device development.
Direct quote in-text
When directly quoting, place the quote in double
quotation marks “ ”
and provide both the citation
number and the page number(s) from the source in square brackets.
“Clinical evidence for a medical device is critical in order to prove the safety and effectiveness of that device before marketing” [2, p. 18].
Reference list
When citing a book chapter, include the following information where available:
Author(s) initials. Family name(s), "Title of the chapter," in Title of the Book, Ed., (editor if available), ed. (edition, except the first). Place of Publication City, abbrev. U.S. State (if applicable), Country: abbrev. Publisher, Year of Publication, pp. chapter/s or first and last pages of the chapter.
V. Vinodkumar, C. Amrutha and D. S. Nagesh, “Overview of medical device development,” in Biomedical Product and Materials Evaluation: Standards and Ethics, P. V. Mohanan, Ed., Duxford, U. K: Woodhead Publishing, 2022, pp. 1-24.
Paraphrasing in-text
When paraphrasing, include the citation number in square brackets. Or, if referring to the author(s) family name in the body of the text, include the citation number in square brackets immediately after the family name.
A research project is a significant undertaking that takes time to complete [2].
Leedy and Ormrod [2] note the time needed to complete a research project.
Direct quote in-text
When directly
quoting, place the quote in double quotation marks “ ”
and provide both the
citation number and the page number(s) from the source in square brackets.
“Survey research captures a fleeting moment in time, much as a camera takes a single-frame photograph of an ongoing activity” [2, p. 181].
Reference list
When citing ebooks from a library database, include the following information where available.
Author(s) initials. Family name(s), Title of Book, ed. (edition, except the first). Place of Publication City, abbrev. U.S. State (if applicable), Country: abbrev. Publisher, Year of Publication. [Online]. Available: database homepage URL
P. Leedy and J. Ormrod, Practical Research: Planning and Design, 12th ed. Harlow, U. K.: Pearson Education Limited, 2020. [Online]. Available:
Paraphrasing in-text
When paraphrasing, include the citation number in square brackets. Or, if referring to the author(s) family name in the body of the text, include the citation number in square brackets immediately after the family name.
If citing more than
two authors in-text, use the first family name listed followed by et al.
Not all elements are good conductors of heat and electricity [2].
Flowers et al. [2] discuss which elements are good conductors of heat and electricity.
Direct quote in-text
When directly
quoting, place the quote in double quotation marks “ ”
and provide both the citation
number and the page number(s) from the source in square brackets.
If there are no page numbers, use chapter numbers, section headings and paragraph numbers where appropriate.
“A cold pack used to treat muscle strains provides an example of an endothermic process” [2, p. 236].
Reference list
When citing ebooks on a website, include the following information where available.
Author(s) initials. Family name(s), Title of Book, ed. (edition, except the first). Place of Publication City, abbrev. U.S. State (if applicable), Country: abbrev. Publisher, Year of Publication. [Online]. Available: URL
P. Flowers et al., Chemistry 2nd ed. Houston, TX, USA: OpenStax, 2019. [Online]. Available:
When citing dictionaries and encyclopedias, use the format for chapter in an edited book.
Paraphrasing in-text
When paraphrasing, include the citation number in square brackets. Or, if referring to the author(s) family name in the body of the text, include the citation number in square brackets immediately after the family name.
The concentration of indoor pollutants varies considerably [5].
Baek [5] states that indoor pollutant concentrations vary.
Direct quote in-text
When directly quoting, place the quote in double
quotation marks “ ”
and provide both the citation
number and the page number(s) from the source in square brackets.
“Humidity also affects volatile emissions … ” [5, p. 213].
Reference list
When citing a book chapter, include the following information where available:
Author(s) initials. Family name(s), "Title of the chapter," in Title of the Book, Ed., (editor if available), ed. (edition, except the first). Place of Publication City, abbrev. U.S. State (if applicable), Country: abbrev. Publisher, Year of Publication, pp. chapter/s or first and last pages of the chapter.
S. O. Baek, “Assessing indoor air quality,” in Encyclopedia of Environmental Health, J. O. Nriagu, Ed., Amsterdam, The Netherlands, Elsevier, 2011, pp. 213-220.
See the Abbreviations section for requirements. If an abbreviation is not included and/or cannot be abbreviated according to IEEE guidelines, spell out the title in full.
When citing online journals, include a digital object identifier (DOI). If there is no DOI, include either the journal/database homepage URL if the source is a library database, or the full URL if the source is a website.
Paraphrasing in-text
When paraphrasing, include the citation number in square brackets. Or, if referring to the author(s) family name in the body of the text, include the citation number in square brackets immediately after the family name.
The use of animations in education is contested [2].
Cook [2] identifies when animations are most helpful.
Direct quote in-text
When directly quoting, place the quote in double quotation marks “ ”
and provide both the citation
number and the page number(s) from the source
in square brackets.
“Humour was intentionally incorporated, partly as it has been shown to reduce student anxiety … ” [3, p. 598].
Reference list
When citing journal articles, include the following information where available:
Author(s) initials. Family name(s), "Title of article," abbrev. Title of Journal, vol. (volume number), no. (issue number), pp. first and last pages of the article, abbrev. Month (if available) Year, doi: xxxx.
E. Cook, “Stop-motion LEGO animations for learning linear algebra,” Int. J. of Math. Educ. in Sci. and Technol., vol. 53, no. 3, pp. 594-602, Oct. 2022, doi: 10.1080/0020739X.2021.1983050.
Paraphrasing in-text
When paraphrasing, include the citation number in square brackets. Or, if referring to the author(s) family name in the body of the text, include the citation number in square brackets immediately after the family name.
Communicating with a robot is dramatically different from communicating with a human [3].
Gemeinboeck and Saunders [3] explain the difference between human-to-human and human-to-robot communication.
Direct quote in-text
When directly quoting, place the quote in double quotation marks “ ”
and provide both the citation
number and the page number(s) from the source
in square brackets.
“… robots should be conceived of as machinelike, rather than humanlike … ” [3, p. 552].
Reference list
List both authors, separating the two author names with ‘and’.
When citing journal articles, include the following information where available:
Author(s) initials. Family name(s), "Title of article," abbrev. Title of Journal, vol. (volume number), no. (issue number), pp. first and last pages of the article, abbrev. Month (if available). Year, doi: xxxx.
P. Gemeinboeck and R. Saunders, “Moving beyond the mirror: relational and performative meaning making in human-robot communication,” AI and Soc., vol. 37, no. 2, pp. 549-563, June 2022, doi: 10.1007/s00146-021-01212-1.
Paraphrasing in-text
When paraphrasing, include the citation number in square brackets. Or, if referring to the author(s) family name in the body of the text, include the citation number in square brackets immediately after the family name.
If citing more than
two authors in-text, use the first family name listed followed by et al.
The process of traditional brick making in a kiln causes significant air pollution [3].
Chung et al. [3] note the need for sustainable brick production techniques.
Direct quote in-text
When directly quoting, place the quote in
double quotation marks “ ”
and provide both the citation number and the
page number(s) from the source in square brackets.
Chung et al. confirm that “Australians, especially in the city of Melbourne, show deep affection for coffee beverages and are responsible for a large amount of coffee waste every year” [3, p. 6275].
Reference list
List all authors (up to six), separating the last two author names with ‘and’.
When citing journal articles, include the following information where available:
Author(s) initials. Family name(s), "Title of article," abbrev. Title of Journal, vol. (volume number), no. (issue number), pp. first and last pages of the article, abbrev. Month (if available) Year, doi: xxxx.
L. L. P. Chung, Y. C. Wong and A. Arulrajah, “The application of spent coffee grounds and tea wastes as additives in alkali-activated bricks,” Waste Biomass Valorization, vol. 12, no. 11, pp. 6273-6291, Nov. 2021, doi: 10.1007/s12649-021-01453-7.
Paraphrasing in-text
When paraphrasing, include the citation number in square brackets. Or, if referring to the author(s) family name in the body of the text, include the citation number in square brackets immediately after the family name.
If citing more than
two authors in-text, use the first family name listed followed by et al.
(in italics).
Causal discovery is a complex problem [3].
Zhang et al. [3] outline how causal discovery is formulated.
Direct quote in-text
When directly
quoting, place the quote in double quotation marks “ ”
and provide both the citation
number and the page number(s) from the source in square brackets.
Zhang et al. admit that "causal interference based on observed data is a challenging task" [3, p. 3232].
Reference list
If there are more
than six authors listed, use et al.
(in italics) after the first author’s
family name.
When citing journal articles, include the following information where available:
Author initials. Family name, "Title of article," abbrev. Title of Journal, vol. (volume number), no. (issue number), pp. first and last pages of the article, abbrev. Month (if available) Year, doi: xxxx.
H. Zhang et al., “Learning causal structures based on divide and conquer,” IEEE Trans. Cybern., vol. 52, no. 5, pp. 3232-3243, May 2022, doi: 10.1109/TCYB.2020.3010004.
Paraphrasing in-text
When paraphrasing, include the citation number in square brackets. Or, if referring to the author(s) family name in the body of the text, include the citation number in square brackets immediately after the family name.
If citing more than
two authors in-text, use the first family name listed followed by et al.
(in italics).
The authors explain the ways in which quantum computing supports business activity [3].
In their paper, Ruane et al. [3] argue that quantum computing can improve encryption technologies used in business enterprises.
Direct quote in-text
When directly quoting, place the quote in double quotation marks
“ ”
and provide both the citation number and the page number(s) from the source
in square brackets.
“It will most likely take some 1000 physical qubits to make a single logical qubit” [3, p. 116].
Reference list
When citing journal articles without a DOI from library databases, include the following information where available.
Author(s) initials. Family name(s), "Title of article," abbrev. Title of Journal, vol. (volume number), no. (issue number), pp. first and last pages of the article, abbrev. Month (if available) Year. [Online]. Available: database homepage URL
J. Ruane, A. McAfee and W. D. Oliver, “Quantum computing for business leaders,” Harvard Business Review, vol. 100, no. 1, pp. 112-121, Jan./Feb. 2022. [Online]. Available:
Paraphrasing in-text
When paraphrasing, include the citation number in square brackets. Or, if referring to the author(s) family name in the body of the text, include the citation number in square brackets immediately after the family name.
If citing more than
two authors in-text, use the first family name listed followed by et al.
(in italics).
Blue carbon can play a central role in climate change mitigation [3].
Hilmi et al. [3] discuss the possibilities of blue carbon in climate change mitigation.
Direct quote in-text
directly quoting, place the quote in double quotation marks “ ”
and provide both the citation
number and the page number(s) from the source in square brackets.
If there are no page numbers, use chapter numbers, section headings and paragraph numbers as part of the in-text reference.
“If degraded or lost, coastal blue carbon ecosystems are likely to release most of their carbon back to the atmosphere” [3, para. 3].
Reference list
When citing journal articles with an article ID/number, include the following information where available:
Author(s) initials. Family name(s), "Title of article," abbrev. Title of Journal, vol. (volume number), no. (issue number), abbrev. Month (if available) Year, Art. no. doi: xxxx.
N. Hilmi et al., “The role of blue carbon in climate change mitigation and carbon stock conservation,” Frontiers in Climate, vol. 3, Sept. 2021, Art. no. 710546, doi: 10.3389/fclim.2021.710546.
Use this format for articles in library databases categorised as early access or article in press.
Paraphrasing in-text
When paraphrasing, include the citation number in square brackets. Or, if referring to the author(s) family name in the body of the text, include the citation number in square brackets immediately after the family name.
If citing more than
two authors in-text, use the first family name listed followed by et al.
(in italics).
Web platforms that evaluate manufacturing risks can be efficient [3].
Generosi et al. [3] discuss digital platforms that evaluate manufacturing risks.
Direct quote in-text
directly quoting, place the quote in double quotation marks “ ”
and provide both the citation number and the page number(s) from the source in
square brackets.
If there are no page numbers, use chapter numbers, section headings and paragraph numbers as part of the in-text reference.
“…there are now many simulation tools that support ergonomic analyses …” [3, para. 2].
Reference List
When citing in press or early access articles, include the following information where available:
Author(s) initials. Family name(s), "Title of article," abbrev. Title of Journal, abbrev. Month (if available) Year, early access, in press etc. doi: xxxx.
A. Generosi, T. Agostinelli, S. Ceccacci and M. Mengoni, “A novel platform to enable the future human-centered factory,” Int. J. of Adv. Manuf. Technol., Aug. 2022, early access. doi: 10.1007/s00170-022-09880-z.
S. Shikha, V. More and R. Batheri, “Driving electric vehicles into the future with battery management systems,” IEEE Eng. Manag. Rev., 2022, article in press. doi: 10.1109/EMR.2022.3194655.
Paraphrasing in-text
When paraphrasing, include the citation number in square brackets. Or, if referring to the author(s) family name in the body of the text, then include the citation number in square brackets immediately after the family name.
Paul [4] evaluates several VPN services currently on the market.
It’s important to think carefully before purchasing a VPN service [4].
Direct quote in-text
directly quoting, place the quote in double quotation marks “ ”
and provide both the citation
number and the page number(s) from the source in square brackets.
If there are no page numbers, use chapter numbers, section headings and paragraph numbers as part of the in-text reference.
“In our tests, Hotspot Shield maintained around 67 percent of the base speed” [4, p. 59].
Reference list
When citing magazine articles from library databases, include the following information where available:
Author(s) initials. Family name(s), "Title of article," abbrev. Title of Journal, vol. (volume number), no. (issue number), pp. first and last pages of the article, abbrev. Month (if available) Year. [Online]. Available: database homepage URL
I. Paul, “Best VPN services: top picks for speed, price, privacy, and more,” PCWorld, vol. 40, no. 1, pp. 57-66, Jan. 2022. [Online]. Available:
Paraphrasing in-text
When paraphrasing, include the citation number in square brackets. Or, if referring to the author(s) family name in the body of the text, include the citation number in square brackets immediately after the family name.
Little is known about the vampire squid [3].
Nasrullah [3] describes the evolutionary journey of the vampire squid.
Direct quote in-text
directly quoting, place the quote in double quotation marks “ ”
and provide both the citation
number and the page number(s) from the source in square brackets.
If there are no page numbers, use chapter numbers, section headings and paragraph numbers as part of the in-text reference.
Vampire squid are so named for their “cloak-like spooky appearance” [3, para. 2].
Reference list
When citing magazine articles from websites, include the following information where available:
Author(s) initials. Family name(s), "Title of article," abbrev. Title of Magazine, vol. (volume number), no. (issue number), pp. first and last pages of the article, abbrev. Month (if available), Year. Accessed: abbrev. Month, Day, Year. [Online]. Available: URL
Q. Nasrullah, “The Jurassic world of the vampire squid,” Cosmos, June 2022. Accessed: July 1, 2022. [Online]. Available:
Paraphrasing in-text
When paraphrasing, include the citation number in square brackets. Or, if referring to the author(s) family name in the body of the text, include the citation number in square brackets immediately after the family name.
Renewable energy experts say investment in offshore wind is inadequate [3].
Foley [3] notes the potential for long term employment in offshore wind projects.
Direct quote in-text
When directly quoting, place the quote in double quotation marks “ ”
and provide both the citation
number and the page number(s) from the source
in square brackets.
If there are no page numbers, use chapter numbers, section headings and paragraph numbers as part of the in-text reference.
“The Star of the South offshore wind farm is the most advanced offshore project in the country” [3, para. 10].
Reference list
When citing newspaper articles from library databases, include the following information where available:
Author(s) initials. Family name(s), "Title of article," abbrev. Title of Newspaper, pp. first and last pages of the article, abbrev. Month (if available) Day, Year. [Online]. Available: URL
M. Foley, “Offshore wind a dark horse in race to replace coal with renewables,” The Age, July 2, 2022. [Online]. Available:
Paraphrasing in-text
When paraphrasing, include the citation number in square brackets. Or, if referring to the author(s) family name in the body of the text, include the citation number in square brackets immediately after the family name.
NATO has changed markedly in recent times [3].
Harris [3] traces the changes in NATO since the war in Ukraine.
Direct quote in-text
When directly quoting, place the quote in double quotation marks “ ”
and provide both the citation
number and the page number(s) from the source
in square brackets.
If there are no page numbers, use chapter numbers, section headings and paragraph numbers as part of the in-text reference.
“The geopolitical map has been redrawn … ” [3, para. 7].
Reference list
When citing newspaper articles from newspaper websites, include the following information where available:
Author(s) initials. Family name(s), "Title of article," abbrev. Title of Newspaper, pp. first and last pages of the article, abbrev. Month (if available) Day, Year. [Online]. Available: URL
R. Harris, “The fall and rise of NATO,” The Sydney Morning Herald, July 2, 2022. [Online]. Available:
Paraphrasing in-text
When paraphrasing, include the citation number in square brackets. Or, if referring to the author(s) family name in the body of the text, include the citation number in square brackets immediately after the family name.
If citing more than two authors in-text, use the first family name
listed followed by et al.
(in italics).
Usability testing is a website evaluation tool [5].
As Xiong et al. [5] explain, usability is a central consideration when designing websites.
Direct quote in-text
When directly quoting, place the quote in double quotation marks “ ”
and provide both the citation
number and the page number(s) from the source
in square brackets.
Xiong et al. confirm there are "many models, frameworks, and methods for evaluating university websites” [5, p. 305].
Reference list
When citing conference papers from library databases, include the following information where available:
Author(s) initials. Family name(s), "Title of paper," in abbrev. Title of Conference, (location of conference is optional), Year, pp. first and last pages of paper, doi: xxxx.
Z. Y. Xiong, W. Huihui and L. Yu, “Usability evaluation and redesign of university portal websites,” in ICCIR 2021: Proc. 2021 Int. Conf. Control and Intell. Robot., pp. 305-309, doi: 10.1145/3473714.3473767.
Paraphrasing in-text
When paraphrasing, include the citation number in square brackets. Or, if referring to the author's family name or an organisational/corporate/government author in the body of the text, include the citation number in square brackets immediately after the author.
Telecommunications companies in Australia offer mobile and wired services [6].
Calabria [6] provides a SWOT analysis of the telecommunications industry.
Electric vehicles will dominate the market, according to a recent MarketLine report [7].
Direct quote in-text
When directly quoting, place the quote in
double quotation marks “ ”
and provide both the citation number and the page
number(s) from the source in square brackets.
If there are no page numbers, use chapter numbers, section headings and paragraph numbers as part of the in-text reference.
Calabria states that “mobile telecommunications density is expected to rise in 2021-22” [6, p. 10].
“Tesla is intertwined with the fortunes of the electric vehicle” [7, p. 29].
Reference list
When citing industry, company or market research reports from library databases, include the following information where available:
Author(s) initials. Family name(s) or organisation/company name, "Title of report," Name of Organisation, Place of Publication City, abbrev. US State (if applicable), Country, Rep. no., Year. Accessed: abbrev. Month, Day, Year. [Online]. Available: URL
T. Calabria, “Telecommunications services in Australia,” IBISWorld, Melbourne, Australia, Rep. J5800, 2022. Accessed: Aug. 15, 2022. [Online]. Available:
MarketLine, “Electrified vehicles: march of electrification continues globally, energy security issues are accelerating progress,” MarketLine, London, U. K., Rep. no. ML00026-043, 2022. Accessed: Aug. 24, 2022. [Online]. Available: https://advantage-marketline-com
Paraphrasing in-text
When paraphrasing, include the citation number in square brackets. Or, if referring to the organisational/corporate/government author in the body of the text, include the citation number in square brackets immediately after the author.
The Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO) [6] makes the case for urgent action.
AEMO [6] sets out a plan for energy transition in Australia.
The report confirms the role of climate change in the 2022 NSW flood events [7].
Direct quote in-text
When directly quoting, place the quote in
double quotation marks “ ”
and provide both the citation number and the page
number(s) from the source in square brackets.
If there are no page numbers, use chapter numbers, section headings and paragraph numbers as part of the in-text reference.
AEMO states that “all actionable projects should progress as urgently as possible” [6, p. 12].
The government must “build a disaster adaptation plan for each city and town” [7, p. 28].
Reference list
When citing reports with an organisational/corporate/government author, include the following information where available:
Author(s) initials. Family name(s) or organisation/company name, "Title of report," abbrev. Name of Organisation, Place of Publication City, abbrev. US State (if applicable), Country, Rep. no., Year. Accessed: abbrev. Month, Day, Year. [Online]. Available: URL
Australian Energy Market Operator, “2022 integrated system plan for the national electricity market,” Australian Energy Market Operator, Melbourne, Australia, Rep. 1.0, 2022. Accessed: July 15, 2022. [Online]. Available:
NSW Independent Flood Inquiry, “2022 Flood inquiry volume one: summary report,” NSW Independent Flood Inquiry, Sydney, Australia, vol. 1, 2022. Accessed: Aug. 23, 2022. [Online]. Available:
Use the format for webpage with an organisational/corporate/government author.
Paraphrasing in-text
When paraphrasing, include the citation number in square brackets. Or, if referring to the organisational/corporate/government author in the body of the text, include the citation number in square brackets immediately after the author.
Industry water use declined in the period 2019-2020 [7].
The Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) [7] provides data on water use in Australia for the period 2019-2020.
Direct quote in-text
When directly quoting, place the quote in double quotation marks “ ”
and provide both the citation
number and the page number(s) from the source
in square brackets.
If there are no page numbers, use chapter numbers, section headings and paragraph numbers where appropriate.
“In 2019-20 total water use remained stable … ” [7, para. 1].
Reference list
When citing webpages with an organisational/corporate/government author, include the following information where available:
Organisation/company name. “Title of webpage.” Title of Website (if available). Accessed: abbrev. Month, Day, Year. [Online]. Available: URL
Australian Bureau of Statistics. “Water account, Australia.” Australian Bureau of Statistics. Accessed: Aug. 24, 2022. [Online]. Available:
Use this format for Australian, international (ISO), British and European standards.
Paraphrasing in-text
When paraphrasing, include the citation number in square brackets. Or, if referring to the organisation in the body of the text, then include the citation number in square brackets immediately after the organisation name.
It is crucial that a business enterprise identifies its security needs [9].
Standards Australia [9] sets out security requirements in its code of practice.
Direct quote in-text
When directly
quoting, place the quote in double quotation marks “ ”
and provide the citation
number in square brackets.
Note: Page numbers are not required for this format type.
“Care should be taken that no single person can access, modify or use assets without authorization or detection” [9].
Reference list
When citing an Australian or ISO standard, include the following information where available:
Title of Standard, Standard number, date. [Online]. Available: URL
Information Technology – Security Techniques – Code of Practice for Information Security Controls, AS ISO/IEC 27002:2015, Apr. 29, 2015. [Online]. Available:
Paraphrasing in-text
When paraphrasing, include the citation number in square brackets. Or, if referring to the organisation in the body of the text, then include the citation number in square brackets immediately after the organisation name.
Ethernet capabilities will continue to evolve [9].
The IEEE Standards Association [9] sets outs major additions to the standard.
Direct quote in-text
When directly
quoting, place the quote in double quotation marks “ ”
and provide the citation
number in square brackets.
Note: Page numbers are not required for this format type.
“The trunk coaxial medium requires termination and is partitioned into sections” [9].
Reference list
When citing an IEEE standard, include the following information where available:
Title of Standard, Standard Number, date. [Online]. Available: URL
IEEE Standard for Ethernet, 802.3-2018, Aug. 31, 2018. [Online]. Available:
Paraphrasing in-text
When paraphrasing, include the citation number in square brackets. Or, if referring to the organisation in the body of the text, include the citation number in square brackets immediately after the organisation name.
Electric welding can repair the pipe wall [9].
ASTM International [9] sets out the tensile requirements of the steel pipe.
Direct quote in-text
When directly quoting, place the quote in double quotation marks “ ”
and provide the citation number
in square brackets.
Note: Page numbers are not required for this format type.
“Superficial cracks as a result of surface imperfections shall not be cause for rejection” [9].
Reference list
When citing an ASTM standard, include the following information where available:
Title of Standard, Standard Number, date. [Online]. Available: URL
Standard Specification for Electric-Resistance-Welded Steel Pipe, A135/A135M – 21, Mar. 24, 2021. [Online]. Available:
Use this category only if the source does not fit better within another category. For example, when citing a report from a website, use the reports category.
Paraphrasing in-text
When paraphrasing, include the citation number in square brackets. Or, if referring to the author(s) family name in the body of the text, include the citation number in square brackets immediately after the family name.
If citing more than two authors in-text, use the first family name
listed followed by et al.
(in italics).
Explorer was the dominant web browser until Firefox appeared in 2002 [7].
Ahmed et al. [7] trace the development of the web browser, Internet Explorer.
Direct quote in-text
When directly quoting, place the quote in double quotation marks “ ”
and provide both the citation
number and the page number(s) from the source
in square brackets.
If there are no page numbers, use chapter numbers, section headings and paragraph numbers as part of the in-text reference.
Explorer had weak security controls, “which cyber criminals readily and successfully exploited” [7, para. 11].
Reference list
all authors (up to six), in the order they appear on the website, separating
the last two author names with ‘and’. If there are more than six authors, use
et al.
(in italics) after the first author’s family name.
When citing informal websites such as personal homepages, or websites without formal titles, use descriptive phrases in your citation in place of page or website titles.
When citing webpages, include the following information where available:
Author(s) initials. Family name(s). "Title of webpage." Title of Website. (if available). Accessed: abbrev. Month, Day, Year. [Online]. Available: URL
M. Ahmed, M. Imran Malik and P. Haskell-Downland. “Goodbye Internet Explorer. You won’t be missed (but your legacy will be remembered).” The Conversation. Accessed: June 20, 2022. [Online]. Available:
Use this category only if the source does not fit better within another category. For example, when citing a report from a website, use the reports category.
Paraphrasing in-text
When paraphrasing, include the citation number in square brackets. Or, if referring to the organisational/corporate/government author in the body of the text, include the citation number in square brackets immediately after the author.
The technician will need to install a new system if the equipment is damaged [7].
The Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) [7] provides a step-by-step guide for antenna installers.
Direct quote in-text
When directly quoting, place the quote in double quotation marks “ ”
and provide both the citation
number and the page number(s) from the source
in square brackets.
If there are no page numbers, use chapter numbers, section headings and paragraph numbers where appropriate.
A customer’s home address will determine the “predicted level of coverage” [7, para. 1].
Reference list
When citing webpages with a corporate/organisational/government author, include the following information where available:
Organisation/company name. “Title of webpage.” Title of Website (if available). Accessed: abbrev. Month, Day, Year. [Online]. Available: URL
Australian Communications and Media Authority. “Steps for antenna installers to fix TV reception.” Australian Communications and Media Authority. Accessed: July 7, 2022. [Online]. Available:
Paraphrasing in-text
When paraphrasing, include the citation number in square brackets. Or, if referring to the family name in the body of the text, include the citation number in square brackets immediately after the family name.
Yang [9] provides an overview of quantitative methodologies.
Direct quote in-text
Place direct quotes between double quotation marks “ ”
and provide
the citation number in square brackets.
Note: A timestamp is not required when directly quoting from this type of source.
The lecturer clarifies when students should “write a proposal” [9].
Reference list
PowerPoint slides
Author(s) initials. Family name(s) (Year). Title of lecture [Type of Medium]. Available: URL
Y. Yang. (2022). Quantitative research methodologies [PowerPoint slides]. Available:
Recorded online lecture
Authors(s) initials. Family name(s) (Year). Title of lecture. [Type of Medium]. Available: URL
Y. Yang. (2022). Research/project proposal writing: Module 08. [Online]. Available:
Use this format for YouTube, TED Talks, Vimeo and similar online videos.
Paraphrasing in-text
When paraphrasing, include the citation number in square brackets. Or, if referring to the author(s) family name in the body of the text, include the citation number in square brackets immediately after the family name.
Woo [8] discusses the distinction between mathematics and physics.
Direct quote in-text
When directly quoting, place the quote in double quotation marks “ ”
and provide the citation number
in square brackets.
Note: A timestamp is not required when directly quoting from this type of source.
“Experimentation doesn’t cut it in maths … ” [8].
Reference list
When citing a YouTube or online video, include the following information where available:
Video Owner/Creator, Place of Publication City (if available), abbrev. US State (if applicable), Country (if available). Title of Video: In Initial Caps. (Release date abbrev. Month Day, Year). Accessed: abbrev. Month Day, Year. [Online Video]. Available: URL
Personal creator
E. Woo. Sydney, Australia. Introduction to Mechanics: Part 1. (Aug. 11, 2021). Accessed: July 11, 2022. [Online Video]. Available:
Organisational/corporate creator
The School of Life, London, U. K. How Science Can Be as Comforting as Religion. (Aug. 5, 2020). Accessed: July 11, 2022. [Online Video]. Available:
Paraphrasing in-text
When paraphrasing, include the citation number in square brackets. Or, if referring to the author(s) family name in the body of the text, include the citation number in square brackets immediately after the family name.
Mockaitis [8] explains ways to handle difficult questions.
Direct quote in-text
When directly quoting, place the quote in double quotation marks “ ”
and provide the citation number
in square brackets.
Note: A timestamp is not required when directly quoting from this type of source.
There are key elements to a “knockout presentation” [8].
Reference list
When citing a streamed video from a library database, include the following information where available:
Video Owner/Creator, Place of Publication City (if available), abbrev. US State (if applicable), Country (if available). Title of Video: In Initial Caps. (Release date abbrev. Month Day, Year). Accessed: abbrev. Month Day, Year. [Online Video]. Available: URL
P. Mockaitis, Speaking Confidently and Effectively. (Nov. 23, 2020). Accessed: July 10, 2022. [Online Video]. Available:
A thesis or dissertation is considered published when it is available in a database such as ProQuest Dissertations and Theses, an institutional repository, or an archive.
Use the abbreviations Ph.D for a doctoral thesis and M.S. thesis for a Masters thesis.
Paraphrasing in-text
When paraphrasing, include the citation number in square brackets. Or, if referring to the author(s) family name in the body of the text, include the citation number in square brackets immediately after the family name.
An edge server with limited capacity can cause delays for mobile users [9].
Direct quote in-text
When directly quoting, place the quote in double quotation marks
“ ”
and provide both the citation number and the page number(s) from the source
in square brackets.
Cui [9, p. 2] confirms MEC is “a key technology that facilitates the 5G mobile network … ”
Reference list
When citing a thesis or dissertation, include the following information where available:
Author(s) initials. Family name(s), "Title of thesis," Type of thesis, abbrev. Department, abbrev. University, Place of Publication City, abbrev. US State (if applicable), Country, Year. [Online]. Available: URL
Thesis from a university repository
G. Cui. “Cost-effective resource management in mobile edge computing,” Ph.D. dissertation, Dept. Comput. Technol., Swinburne Univ. Technol., Melbourne, Australia, 2022. [Online]. Available:
Thesis from a library database
P. M. Bhatt. “Process planning for robotic additive manufacturing,” Ph.D. dissertation, USC, Los Angeles, CA, USA, 2022. [Online]. Available:
Paraphrasing in-text
When paraphrasing, include the citation number in square brackets. Or, if referring to the author(s) family name in the body of the text, then include the citation number in square brackets immediately after the family name.
If citing more than two authors in-text, use the first family name
listed followed by et al.
(in italics).
Gu et al. [9] describe an innovative optical storage solution.
Direct quote in-text
When directly quoting, place the quote in double quotation marks “ ”
and provide both the citation
number and the page number(s) from the source
in square brackets.
If there are no page numbers, use chapter numbers, section headings and paragraph numbers where appropriate.
“A second technique for increasing storage density is to improve the optical resolution of the storage system” [9, p. 1].
Reference list
When citing a patent, include the following information where available:
Name of the invention, by inventor(s) name(s). (Year, abbrev. Month Day). Patent Number [Type of medium]. Available: site/path/file
Method and system for optical storage, by M. Gu, L. Xiangping and Y. Cao. (2017, Jan. 26), U.S. Patent 20170025143A1 [Online]. Available:
The Australian Guide to Legal Citation 4th Edition (AGLC4) referencing style uses footnotes and a bibliography and is widely used by law professionals. It is the standard style guide used by Swinburne Law School for assessment purposes.
The Australian Guide to Legal Citation 4th edition (AGLC4) is published and distributed by the Melbourne University Law Review Association Inc., in collaboration with the Melbourne Journal of International Law Inc. Please refer to the guide for further examples and details.
To see examples of papers published using AGLC4, see recent articles in Melb Uni Law Rev.
If you wish to cite a source which is not included in the full AGLC 4th edition, try to stick to the golden rules of AGLC; clarity and consistency. Also, a logical variation might be required due to your intended audience.
Thaler3 is one of a series of “DABUS”4 test cases being brought around the world.5
3 Thaler v Commissioner of Patents [2021] FCA 879.
4 “DABUS” is the name of an AI system. It stands for “a device for the autonomous bootstrapping of unified sentience”.
5 The website of The Artificial Inventor Project, which is supporting Dr Thaler’s patent applications, lists applications for two inventions in at least 17 jurisdictions: The Artificial Inventor, Patents and Applications <>.
6 Gary Edmond, ‘Forensic Science Evidence and the Conditions for Rational (Jury) Evaluation’ (2015) 39(1) Melbourne University Law Review 77, 125–7. This commitment to ‘rationality’ is drawn from ss 55–6 of the Uniform Evidence Law and the definition of ‘probative value’ in s 3. The Uniform Evidence Law is the collection of the Evidence Act 1995 (Cth); Evidence Act 2011 (ACT); Evidence Act 2004 (Norfolk Island); Evidence Act 1995 (NSW); Evidence (National Uniform Legislation) Act 2011 (NT); Evidence Act 2001 (Tas); Evidence Act 2008 (Vic).
A pinpoint reference is a reference to a specific page, paragraph, footnote or other section of a source.
1 Universal Music Australia Pty Ltd and Others v Sharman License Holdings Ltd and Others (2005) 220 ALR 1, 3.
32 Roadshow Films Pty Ltd v iiNet Ltd (2012) 248 CLR 42, 48 [42].
56 See Supreme Court Rules 1987 (SA), r 84.05(2).
82 See Bankruptcy Act 1966 (Cth), ss 55 and 115.
1 Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees, opened for signature 28 July 1951, 189 UNTS 150 (entered into force 22 April 1954) art 1A(2) ('Convention').
5 Convention (n 1) art 2B.
48 Adrian Coorey, Australian Consumer Law (LexisNexis Butterworths, 2014) 22.
54 Coorey (n 48) 46.
72 Defamation Act 2005 (Vic) s 37.
73 Ibid s 38.
Case name (Year) Volume Report series Starting page
Type |
Citation example |
Individual party names |
Company party names |
The Crown as first party |
The Crown as respondent |
Entry in footnote (with pinpoint) |
Entry in bibliography |
Case Name [Year] Court Judgment number
Type |
Citation example |
Individual party names |
Company party names |
decision without a By the court |
Entry in footnote with pinpoint |
Entry in bibliography |
Title Year (Jurisdiction) Pinpoint
3 Climate Change Act 2017 (Vic) pt 5 div 2 s 37.
22 Australian Constitution s 51 (xxxi).
Carer Recognition Bill 2010 (Cth)
Explanatory Memorandum, Adoption Amendment Bill 2013 (Tas)
Fire and Emergency Services Levy Regulation 2017 (NSW)
Police Pensions Ordinance 1958 (ACT)
33 Mathew Rimmer, Intellectual Property and Biotechnology: Biological Inventions (Edward Elgar, 2008) ch 5.
34 Patrick George et al, Social Media and the Law (LexisNexis, 3rd ed, 2020) 102.
35 Belinda Bennett (ed), Globalization and Health (Springer, 2008) 225-226.
36 Damien J Cremean, Michael H Whitten and Michael F Sharkey, Brooking on building contracts: the law and practice relating to building and engineering agreements (Lexis Nexis Butterworths, 5th ed, 2014).Australian Law Reform Commission, Family Violence: a Legal Response: Summary Report (Australian Law Reform Commission, 2010)
Bodkin, Colin, Patent Law in Australia (Thomson Reuters, 2nd ed, 2014)
Chafetz, Michael, Intellectual Disability: Criminal and Civil Forensic Issues, (Oxford University Press, 2015)
Manne, Geoffrey A and Joshua D Wright (eds), Competition Policy and Patent Law under Un-certainty Regulating Innovation, (Cambridge University Press, 2011)
Sundahl, Mark D, ‘Legal status of spacecraft’ in Ram S. Jakhu and Paul Stephen Dempsey (eds), ‘Routledge Handbook of Space Law’ (Taylor & Francis, 2016) 42
Author(s), ‘Title’ (2012) Vol(Issue) Journal, Starting Page
3 Benjamen Franklen Gussen, 'On the Constitutionality of Hard State Border Closures in Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic' (2021) 35(1) Journal of Law and Health, 1, 43.
4 Gary Edmond et al, ‘Law’s Looking Glass: Expert Identification Evidence Derived from Photographic and Video Images’ (2009) 20 Current Issues in Criminal Justice, 337.
5 Amanda Scardamaglia, ‘Reflecting on the Trade Marks Act 1995 (Cth)’ (2022) 96 Australian Law Journal, 36, 40.
Scardamaglia, Amanda, ‘Reflecting on the Trade Marks Act 1995 (Cth)’ (2022) 96 Australian Law Journal, 36
Author, Title (Document Type/Series no Document Number, Full Date) Pinpoint.
1 Atlassian Corporation, Atlassian Annual Report 2021 (Report, 2021) F-51.
9 Australian Law Reform Commission, Essentially Yours: The Protection of Human Genetic Information (Report No 96, March 2003) 520 (‘ALRC’).
4Australian Bureau of Statistics, Prisoners in Australia, 2021 (Catalogue No 4517.0, 9 December 2021).
5 Jacqueline Campbell, 'When Family Law Meets Bankruptcy' (Seminar Paper, Law Institute of Victoria, 17 February 2015).
17 Ian Mutton, 'Extra-Territoriality: A Case Study' (Conference Paper, International Trade Law Conference, 29 May 1997).
Author ‘Title’, Newspaper, (Place) Date, Pinpoint
7 Melissa Davey ‘Call to ban vaping for young Australians after review concludes it causes ‘acute lung injury’’ Guardian, (online, Thu 7 Apr 2022)
89 Rose Healy, Letter to the editor, The Herald Sun (Melbourne, 10 June 2002) 16.
92 Jill Lepore, ‘The History Test’ (27 March 2017) The New Yorker 66.
123 ASX, 'ASX Selects Distributed Ledger Technology to Replace CHESS' (Media Release, 7 December 2017) 1.
Tingle, Laura, ‘Norway fund ponders dumping coal’, The Australian Financial Review, (Sydney), 24 February 2015
Cite lectures and other similar materials as speeches, Rule 7.3
Author, ‘Title’ (Speech, Institution/Forum, Full Date) Pinpoint
27 Maya Borom, ‘Introduction to Judicial Reasoning’ (LAW20041 Lecture, Swinburne University Law School, 18 January 2022).
‘Episode Title’, Film Title/Series Title (Version Details, Studio/Production Company/Producer, Year) Pinpoint.
3 In My Blood it Runs (Sentient.Art.Film, 2020) 0:34:03.
22 'Vape Haze: The new addiction of vaping', Four Corners (Australian Broadcasting Corporation, 2022) 0:12:47-0:13:33 <>.
72 ‘Working Remotely with Paul O’Halloran and Rachel Setti’, BenchTV (Benchmark Production, 2022).
Broadcaster, ‘Title of segment’, Name of program, Full date (Name of speaker)
5 ABC Radio National, ‘Using evidence obtained in search warrants’, The Law Report, 3 February 2015, (Damian Carrick) <>.
9 'Michael Bradley Unpacks Australia’s Defamation Laws', Spin Cycle (Three Triple R, 9 June 2022) <>.
Author, ‘Document title’, Web Page Title (Document Type, Full Date) pinpoint <URL>.
22 Victorian State Government Department of Health, 'Medically supervised injecting room' Health.vic (26 September 2019), < >.
23 Australian Academy of Science, ‘Academy warns of climate risk to Australia’ (Press Release, 16 February 2015) <>.
33 Amanda Biggs, ‘Medicare: A Quick Guide’ (Research Paper, Parliamentary Library, Parliament of Australia, 12 July 2016).
47 Commonwealth, Parliamentary Debates, Senate, 7 February 2017, 39 (George Brandis, Attorney-General).
48 Victoria, Parliamentary Debates, Legislative Council, 14 December 2017, 6854.
52 Ambulance Victoria, Submission No 208 to Law Reform, Road and Community Safety Committee, Parliament of Victoria, Inquiry into Drug Law Reform (24 March 2017).
55 Evidence to House Standing Committee on Tax and Revenue, Parliament of Australia, Canberra, 30 November 2016, 2 (Peter Strong).
Output from Program Name, Creator to Recipient, Full date.
1 Output from ChatGPT, OpenAI to John Smith, 23 February 2023.
2 Output from ChatGPT, OpenAI to John Smith, 23 February 2023. The output was generated in response to the prompt, ‘Provide an overview of the creation of the Australian Guide to Legal Citation’: see below Appendix A.
26 Mitchell Adams, ‘Empirical Studies of Non-Traditional Signs in Australian Trade Mark Law’ (PhD Thesis, Swinburne University, 2022).
63 Encyclopaedic Australian Legal Dictionary (online at 20 February 2018) ‘default judgment’ (def 1).
72 LexisNexis, Halsbury’s Laws of Australia, vol 15 (at 25 May 2009) 235 Insurance, ‘2 General Principles’ [235-270].
81 Westlaw AU, The Laws of Australia (online at 15 February 2018) 2 Administrative Law, '2.3 Access to Information' [2.3.10].
Treaty Title, Parties’ Names, Date Opened for Signature or Date Signed, Treaty Series (Date of Entry into Force) Pinpoint.
12 Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide, opened for signature 9 December 1948, 78 UNTS 277 (entered into force 12 January 1951) art 2.